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The heritage value of a saggy old cloth cat

How Bagpuss can teach us about intangible cultural heritage.

A big happy birthday to Bagpuss, first broadcast on Tuesday 12 February 1974 – 50 years ago!

Like many people, I grew up on Bagpuss. Despite only 13 episodes being made, the series lived on for 12 years with frequent repeats. It is part of our cultural heritage that we pass on to future generations.

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Raising Big Issues with FHDC

Do you have an issue that is affecting residents across the district that the council needs to look at?

FHDC are asking for topics to discuss at the ‘Scrutiny Committee’ on 23rd April 2024.

They need to be the large issues affecting the District. Previous issues have included: Levelling Up Fund, Southern Water, Operation Brock and the cost of living .

Closing Date: 23rd February 2024

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Community News for November

Sample of Community News

We have just sent out our first company of the New Folkestone Community News. You can view the latest version here or sign up to receive the newletter next month here. This issue includes an update on the Harbour Development including some first survey results, progress on the ‘Save Our Library’ campaign, information on the Town Centre development plan and more…

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A talk & scene from the play by FPAC

Many of you will have heard of the Ingoldsby Legends, published under the pen name Thomas Ingoldsby of Tappington Hall. “The World, according to the best geographers, is divided into Europe, Asia, Africa, America and Romney Marsh” is a quote from one of the stories – The Leech of Folkestone… but have you ever read it?

Join Matthew Hahn and the Folkestone Performing Arts Company to learn how they turned the story into a play that they plan to take “on tour” and immerse yourself in the world of apothecary Master Erasmus Buckthorne.

Date: 25th November 2023

Time: 2pm for 2:30pm start

Location: The Cornerstone Centre, which is the former United Reformed Church near Central Station – the home of the South Kent Community Church – Use the back hall entrance opposite Kingsnorth Gardens.

Cost: £5

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August 2023 – Update

Despite the holiday season, August has been another busy time for the New Folkestone Society.

The Committee met to discuss the Harbour Arm developments and prepared a response to the consultation on behalf of our members and the wider Folkestone community. Our survey is online at until mid October with nearly 900 surveys already completed.

We were able to discuss our thoughts on the Harbour Arm development with a huge number of residents and visitors at the Folkestone Airshow where the New Folkestone Society had a pop up stand for the weekend event. The Airshow was a great opportunity to meet so many people, including members and non members, and new and long standing residents, for whom Folkestone is a valued place to live. This follows our pop up stand at the Coronation Weekend in June where we focused on the Save Folkestone Library Campaign.

The New Folkestone Society continues to monitor and respond to consultations and to engage with the Folkestone, Hythe and District Council and developers in a number of plans including protection of Debenham’s Corner further to our online survey in which 87% of over 1,500 entries said ‘no’ to demolition. We place high value on this section, not only through location and contribution to the street scenery but it also matches other cherished buildings in Sandgate Road.

Do keep an eye on the New Folkestone Society website for new events and information on consultations, and in particular look our for two forthcoming talks: How Islamic Architecture Shaped Europe on 30 September and Leas Pavillion – Restoration and New Construction on 28 October.

We always welcome new members and new ideas to continue to make Folkestone a great place to live!

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NFS Visit to Stelling Minnis Windmill and Museum 

On Saturday 29 July, the New Folkestone Society enjoyed a great day out at the Stelling Minnis Windmill and Museum, with a delicious cream tea in the sunshine followed by a superb and expertly delivered tour. The windmill is a Grade One listed picturesque wood smock mill, which has been completely renovated to repair weather damage. It was built by the Holman brothers of Canterbury in 1866 and is known as Davison’s Mill after the family who worked on it for a century until the last miller Alec Davison died in 1970. It is well worth a visit if you didn’t make it with us on this occasion. 

Look out on our events page for our next social event, and new members are always welcome!

Image from Lutrus on Flickr:

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